Friday, September 21, 2012

Importance of studying trigonometry?

Trigonometry is important in a massive number of fields. From computer simulation and video games, warfare and weaponry, building bridges and even space travel.
Trigonometry is used whenever you are carrying out calculations involving angles.

In mathematics it is used as a way of finding unknown lengths or angles in non right angled triangles. (SOHCAHTOA).

In physics it can be used for calculating how forces act on an object at different angles. It can also be used for calculating how a projectile moves through space given it's angle. Calculation of projectiles is used in warfare for long range weapons such as mortars. Projectiles are fired at angles and travel in parabolas to reach far off targets.

In computing trigonometry can be used for calculating movement of objects at angles. Trigonometry can also be used in point-projection onto a plane, a process vital to the rendering of 3D graphics in video games and simulations.

Wavelet theory is built upon trigonometric functions, and is used in popular image and video compression formats as well as astrophysics, density-matrix localisation, seismology, optics, turbulence and quantum mechanics.

In engineering trigonometry can be used for calculating the length and strength of steel wire needed to build suspension bridges. It can also be used in conjunction with laser pointers, for the calculation of height of large objects.

Trigonometry is an exceptionally valuable mathematical tool in so many areas of science, engineering and technology.


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